Pablo Rodriguez Mier
Research scientist at the Institute for Computational Biology (Saez-Rodriguez group). Heidelberg University.

I am a research scientist at Saez-Rodriguez group (Institute for Computational Biomedicine, Heidelberg University) where I am currently working on biological network inference. I am interested in deciphering how complex biological systems behave under different conditions through mechanistic and computational models that integrate both prior biological knowledge and experimental data.
Prior to that, I was a postdoctoral researcher in Computational Systems Biology at INRAE Toxalim (Toulouse, France), where I was working on computational models to understand and predict the metabolic deregulation of cancer cells due to mutations in the TP53 gene.
Mar 11, 2024 | I will be attending the EMBO-EMBL “AI and Biology” Symposium (Heidelberg) |
Jan 18, 2024 | We won the Kaggle competition "Open Problems - Single-Cell Perturbations"! |
latest posts
Mar 01, 2020 | Smart invaders: Can you beat 'em? |
Sep 05, 2017 | A tutorial on Differential Evolution with Python |
- PlosCompDEXOM: Diversity-based enumeration of optimal context-specific metabolic networksPLoS Computational Biology, 2021
- CompBiomedCOVID-19: Estimation of the transmission dynamics in Spain using a stochastic simulator and black-box optimization techniquesComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2021
- BioRxivLIANA+: an all-in-one cell-cell communication frameworkBioRxiv, 2023
- ArXivMolecular causality in the advent of foundation modelsarXiv preprint arXiv:2401.09558, 2024